I have enjoyed being able to watch Aria grow. I have taken her pictures every month so far.
I still don't have my studio all set up. So I move my kitchen table and set everything up to make her session possible.
So proud of this team. They have worked hard. They made it to night 2 of the OSAA Dance & Drill Championships. Going into this year, no one was sure how they would do since they lost 8 Seniors last year. They are one team with one dream.
I am currently the photographer for the Lebanon High School for Winter Formal, Prom and Graduation.
I enjoy capturing these moments. Sometimes I get asked by people... how I can take pictures at these events with so many teenagers? Some people think that teens are for the most part.. rude and disrespectful. This has definitely not been my experience at all. The young adults at these events are always respectful. I always get told thank you.
At these events I take their picture and show them on the back of the camera. If they don't like it, I re-take it. Pictures are normally delivered a little over a week after the event.
These were taken in the dining room area. You probably would not have ever known this. A lot of times only a small area is needed to take pictures. Depending on who I am taking pictures of.